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My Background

My name is Brittiany, Bodywork is my passion. I graduated from Copper Tree Retreat School of Massage and passed the MBLEx in July of 2023. I completed 30 hours apprenticeship, under a skilled Athletic Trainer and Bodyworker. I honed my skills to better understand the structure and body mechanics related to the health and well being of my clients.  After incorporating this type of bodywork for over a year, I opened Sacred Sanctuary in Longview, Texas in August 2024

Brittiany Bleckley Massage Therapist.

My Approach

​My approach to massage therapy is slightly different from most. While every massage therapist has a similar goal for clients, I like to focus on the art of listening to the client and offering patience, while giving time to communicate clearly what they feel is going on and what the main areas of complaint are. During this listening process, II also focus and tune in on subtle cues and movements of the body. This allows me to assess further and potentially find problem areas that the client is unaware of. Most commonly heard is, “how did you even know that was there?” Well it’s true when I say your body told me. Listening gives me the ability to customize and personalize each client session. Whether you are wanting a soothing massage or something more direct, I will never take your body further than it’s willing to give. The goal is not to overwork your system. The goal is to be in harmony with you. When this approach is used, I find the client gets so much more out of the time we have.

Massage therapy studio Longview TX

Mind and Soul

What is Holistic bodywork? It is a type of healing touch therapy in which the whole person is acknowledged through Mind, Body, and Spirit.  Holistic bodywork comes from the belief that the body holds and stores tension, stress, and pain throughout its system due to of a number of things.  These "things” could be an actual injury or perhaps an emotional incident that has left you feeling depleted tired and worried, or a deep memory that's just under the surface.  A holistic approach incorporates breathwork and bodywork, some lengthening stretches and also massage; this allows the individual a safe and nurturing space to open up to their own inner world and address personal issues with the knowledge that we, as humans, have the innate intelligence to know what we need to help ourselves at a deeper level in any given moment.  The therapist offers a safe space where you and the therapist work at a synergistic level to bring about a profound sense of peace and whole-body relief.  This may be accomplished with consecutive treatments that encourage long lasting transformation.

Image by Ashley Batz

Ready to book a massage?

Located in The Village Shopping center in Longview, TX
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